Hâpy Services

HâpyCO Solution

The all-inclusive professional IoT connectivity managed service

Prêt à connecter HâpyCO avec IP privée fixe

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HâpyCO’s managed services All-inclusive or À LA CARTE

Included in the service HâpyCO




With or WithOut commitment


Is this the right solution for my business?

Multiple skills are required to maintain remote access to equipment in operational conditions.


  • Telecom skills: for the management of SIM cards and the behavior of the 4G 5G network (cellular)
  • Network skills: for the management of firewall rules and IP addressing.
  • Cyber ​​competence: for the implementation of the VPN and its administration.
  • Hardware Competence: for the choice of industrial routers and their initial configuration


Maintaining a dedicated team to make your equipment accessible remotely can quickly represent a prohibitive cost for the implementation of this function which nevertheless generates added value.

  • Preventive and curative maintenance (#Additional service, monetizable or making the company more attractive vs competition)


  • Reduction of travel by an expert on site for the settings of your equipment machines (#Financial and environmental savings)


  • Offer As-a-Service business models to its customers, for example I am an industrial compressor manufacturer, my business model is to sell compressors and then annual maintenance contracts.


>> By connecting my machines I can trace operating information and make adjustments remotely.

This allows me to offer a compressed air service to my customers and to invoice them per compressed cubic meter.

  • I focus my technical teams on my core business (Focus=Performance)
  • I increase the cybersecurity of my service (# Robust Industrial VPN)
  • I increase the availability of my service (# Managed Industrial VPN)
  • For peace of mind on the IoT infrastructure aspect
  • To access advanced technologies at a controlled cost
  • To use an open and scalable solution that follows your activity
  • Forget the headaches, who manages in case of incidents, should I double all the positions?


The minimum cost of a Dedicated IoT Service: 60K€ per year minimum (2 part-time people on this function + router configuration time + production tools + Development of monitoring tools.


Assuming that our managed VPN service is considered at €60/year/connection point, this means that for any deployment of less than 1,000 connection points it makes no sense to do it internally.

Knowing that the cost of our service is decreasing, which pushes the limit of relevance even further


Of course, at Hâpy, we adapt to your needs and constraints.

Ongoing managed services

LSS : Live System Support

The HâpyCO service is redundant throughout the the entire chain, which ensures optimum service availability

Plug and Forget !

Ready to connect HâpyCO bundles​


100 Mo

18€ / month

24 months’ contract

Service access fee : 50 €


500 Mo

21 € / month

24 months’ contract

Service access fee : 50 €


1 Go

23 € / month

24 months’ contract

Service access fee : 50 €


2 Go

25 € / month

24 months’ contract

Service access fee : 50 €


5 Go

45 € / month

24 months’ contract

Service access fee : 50 €

Your >private outsourced IoT infrastructure

HâpyCO solution

Why HâpyCO ?


Control your IoT infrastructure

  • HâpyCo is a subscription-based managed IoT service that allows you to focus on your core business.
  • Benefit from the latest connectivity and IoT architecture technologies in complete cybersecurity, while retaining control over your choice of business supervisors or hypervisors.
  • Always connected to the best available network depending on the location of the installation.
  • Transparent management platform (under management)
  • Agnostic
  • Access your devices with a virtual Fixed IP address
  • The server sees all remote devices as if they were on the LAN.
  • The devices are no longer visible on the Internet.
  • No overconsumption due to Ddos attack